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Belanja Tanaman Microgreen Berkualitas di Rey's Farm

Bergaransi dan Segar

Tanaman Microgreens

a close up of a green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a green plant with lots of leaves

Bibit Segar

Bibit tanaman microgreens segar berkualitas, bergaransi

a close up of a plant with green leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
a plastic container filled with green plants on top of a wooden table
a plastic container filled with green plants on top of a wooden table
Starter Pack

Paket starter menanam microgreens untuk pemula

Tanaman Sehat

Tanaman microgreens untuk kesehatan dan kebugaran

Kategori Produk

Tentang Kami Rey's Farm

Rey's Farm adalah penjual tanaman microgreen helth food terpercaya dengan produk segar berkualitas dan bibit tanaman microgreens bergaransi.

a close up of a plant with green leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
a pile of green sprouts sitting on top of a table
a pile of green sprouts sitting on top of a table
a close up of a bunch of green plants
a close up of a bunch of green plants

Layanan Kami

Kami menawarkan starter pack menanam microgreens yang mudah dan praktis untuk menikmati kesehatan dan nutrisi dari tanaman microgreens.

Tanaman microgreen dari Rey's Farm sangat segar dan berkualitas, sangat puas dengan starter pack yang lengkap.

Fitri A.

green and white flower buds
green and white flower buds
a pile of green leaves with water droplets on them
a pile of green leaves with water droplets on them
